Sunday, November 22, 2009

Crickets Chirping . . .

. . . is about all you hear following the first election using Instant Runoff/Ranked Choice voting in Minneapolis.  The implementation of this new and (some say) controversial method of voting has resulted in . .well . . .an uneventful election.  The people came, the people voted, the people went home, candidates got elected, the people were happy.

The gripping headlines have been things like, "New Voting System Runs Smoothly on Election Day" and "56% of Voters Prefer Instant Runoff Voting."  Not exactly the "Sky is Falling" headlines that opponents of the system were no doubt hoping for.  By all accounts the whole process, including the hand counting of ballots, went smoother than expected and was free of confusion or controversy.

This, combined with approval in St. Paul of the system, bodes well for IRV advocates who plan to carry on the fight and implement the system statewide.  Theoretically, the biggest benefiters of the system if it goes statewide would likely be The Indepence Party - a party which seems to be on a long slow march to becoming a historical footnote.  IRV could stand a chance of helping them move beyond the spoiler role that they seem to be stuck in.  Time will tell, though, if the rural areas of Minnesota are ready to change the way voting is done in the state.

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