Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Norm's "Center Right America" .. oh and btw, I won the election

Last two times I heard Norm on the radio he was talking about "Center Right America." It sounds like an effort to brand independents and/or right leaning moderates and claim them as his own. He has always had a skill for sensing which way the wind is blowing, so his twenty minute speech at Harvard on the subject is worth a listen.

Interesting side note. In answering a question after the speech Norm claims that he won the election. The questioner asked about the trend of moderate Republicans losing elections. Norm responded, "I gotta tell ya . . . I got more votes. I got more votes on election night. When it came to counting the absentee ballots, they counted more of the other guys'."

It's the first time since the election I've heard him strike a note of sour grapes or make any sort of claim that he was robbed of the election. This strikes me as sort of a slip up on his part - getting off message from the image he seems to have beeen trying to convey of himself to public.

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